Services Overview
We offer a complete solution for starting a hedge fund, and operating the fund.
- Formation of limited partnership, corporation or other entities
- Preparation of Private Offering Memorandum, Limited Partnership Agreement and Subscription Documentation
- Registration as an investment adviser or commodity pool operator
- Drafting policy and procedures for investment advisers and NFA CPOs
- Preparation of investor correspondence
- Vendor Provided Diligence
- Auditing references and broker referrals
- Facilitation of Offshore Administration services and Private Offering Memorandum and Subscription Documentation
The Turn Key Hedge Fund start-up process includes:
- Drafting documents necessary to a domestic private investment company;
- Drafting the Private Placement Memorandum, Limited Partnership Agreement and
Subscription Documents for the domestic fund; - Drafting confidentiality letter agreements, code of ethics, disaster recovery and data storage policy, email policy, AML policy, sub advisor engagements etc;
- Drafting investment manager compensation agreements for the investment advisor or trading advisors;
- Facilitating the creation of the limited partnership, the general partner LLC, the investment advisor LLC or other appropriate entities;
- If required, preparation of Form ADV for State Investment Advisor registration in the state where you are located or registration with the CFTC and NFA as a CPO;
- Preparation of SS-4 documents for acquisition of federal identification numbers for domestic entities and federal identification number for foreign master fund entity;
- Preparation of vendor provided diligence materials to be provided to potential investors;
- Selection of auditor who provide financial statement, year-end tax reports for the Limited Partnership and investors;
- Prime broker recommendations;
- SEC compliant Website, marketing materials and PowerPoint presentations.
The following is a list of benefits of starting a Hedge Fund with us:
- One point of contact/coordination
- Reduce number of outsourced personnel
- Streamlined procedures
- Reduced training time for back office management
- Increased decision-making authority in the field
- Tailored customer communications
- Cost Savings
- Reduced contracting and administrative costs
- Consistent Quality
- Consistent service levels
- Access to highest quality personnel
- Timely response and follow-up inquiries
- Timely resolution of conflicts
- Reduction in service variability
- Focus on improved performance
- Improved company focus through strategic outsourcing
- Value-added services such as training and management reporting

Hedge Fund Administration Services:
- Providing the Hedge Fund its management office and non investment manager-trader operations personnel
- Providing management office for meeting with office staff, professional advisors and prospective investors
- Providing management office receipt of all correspondence
- Data & Disaster Recovery Risk Management

Investor Management Services:
- Providing prospective investors with offering memorandum and partnership agreement and offering materials
- Managing subscription documents
- Processing and notifying investment manager and general partner of subscriptions, capital contributions and withdrawals
- Distributing financial reports, mailings and electronic communications
- Responding to investor inquiries

Accounting Management Facilitation Services:
- Calculation of monthly capital account balances on an economic and tax basis
- Calculation of management fees and performance allocation
- Preparation of monthly financial statements
- Calculation of fees due sales agent
- Interaction with investment managers and traders, banks, counsel and auditors
- Facilitate and manage the preparation of financial statements and year end audit
- Facilitate and manage tax preparation, planning and consulting

Compliance Management Services:
- Management of the preparation of Private Offering Memorandum
- U.S. Securities Filing responsibilities and individual U.S. state required filings
- Tracking beneficial owners of Securities Act 3(c)(1) hedge funds for compliance with the Investment Company Act exemption
- Investor tracking for Hot Issue NASD compliance
- Broker/Dealer and Investment Advisor compliance and registration

Start a Forex Fund
Now there is an easy turn key way for successful traders to set up their own Spot Forex Fund where:
You are the Fund Manager;
You Earn the Incentive Fee;
You control the Investment and trading strategy.
TURN KEY HEDGE FUNDS, INC provides to you:
- The Turn Key Start up at a fraction of the traditional start-up costs.
- The turn key back office that permits you to control the general operations while not having the responsibility for the day to day operations.
- The Turn Key Start up can provide you an introduction to brokers and counter parties for Forex trading.
TURN KEY HEDGE FUNDS, INC. allows the successful trader or broker to become a Hedge Fund manager at a fraction of the traditional start-up costs and further provides continuing back office support. Now, you can launch your own fund!
The appearance of an ever growing number of FX Market Making houses means that now, FX traders are now able to quickly and efficiently launch their own SPOT CURRENCY HEDGE FUND at minimal expense with minimal regulatory oversight and with ease and efficiency.
As an FX Trader, you will be able "turn key" into operating your own Spot Currency Hedge Fund.
You provide the trading skill and ability and TURN KEY HEDGE FUNDS, INC will make it happen! No effort, no problem, we will just make it happen!
TURN KEY HEDGE FUNDS, INC. has established a number of contacts with foreign currency market makers that will provide the FX trader with trading opportunities formerly only available to large banks and brokerage firms. The FX traders will be provided with online trading platforms as well as assistance in their use including back office support, technology, compliance support, possible capital introduction and many more benefits!
Currencies are an 'over the counter' product, and as such not quoted or traded on any specific exchange. The prices are quoted by a large number of active 'Market Makers' such as banks, specialist currency brokers or other financial entities. There is no standard fixed contract size, nor are there any commission fees or any other additional transaction costs involved. All prices quoted are 'two way', i.e., a bid and offer (the spread). This price quoted is inclusive of all trading costs. The spread may vary depending on market conditions and liquidity. Prices may vary depending of liquidity and are constantly changing. The 'market' is alive around the clock and 'follows the sun' around the globe. It is possible to operate efficiently in the market from 20:00 GMT Sunday through 21:00GMT Friday. Positions can be opened and closed at any time throughout this period. The international date line is located in the western Pacific, and each business day arrives first in the Asia Pacific financial centers first Wellington, New Zealand, then Sydney, Australia, followed by Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore. A few hours later, while markets remain active in those Asian centers, trading begins in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Middle East. Later still, when it is late in the business day in Tokyo, markets in Europe open for business. Notably, the European time zone is the most active, with about 2/3 of all global transactions being cleared through London. Subsequently, when it is early afternoon in Europe, trading in New York and other U.S. centers starts. Finally, completing the circle, when it is mid or late afternoon in the United States, the next day has arrived in the Asia Pacific area, the first markets there have opened, and the process begins again.
The twenty four hour market means that exchange rates and market conditions can change at any time in response to global developments anytime. Any dealing institutions chosen by the Partnership must have 24 hour trading available. This is the only market where investors can react and potentially profit from any economic, social and political event at the time it occurs day or night.

Start a CTA
Now there is an easy way to start you own Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA), where you:
- manage the assets;
- trade the client account; and
- receive the trading advisor fees.
The TURN KEY COMMODITY TRADING ADVISOR STARTUP for your managed account business provides you with the CTA launch, the CTA operation opportunity, and even I.B. services to your new CTA.
At Turn Key we will:
- Create the entities, draft operating agreement, and prepare of SS-4 documents for acquisition of federal identification numbers for domestic entities;
- Secure all NFA/CFTC required approvals;
- Draft documents necessary and appropriate for a domestic Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA);
- Draft the CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) Disclosure and related Account Information Documents for managed accounts;
- Draft confidentiality agreements, Code of Ethics, Disaster Recovery and Data Storage Policy, Email Policy, AML policy, Privacy Policy, Sub Advisor agreements, etc.;
- Draft Compliance handbook;
- Draft compensation agreements;
- Prepare and submit registration documents with the CFTC and NFA as a CTA; and more
We shall prepare offering materials consisting of a Disclosure Documents, management agreements and related materials, coil bound on bright white paper with clear plastic covers and black backings; a set of account information documents and signature pages in a folder indicating the name of the CTA on its cover; an introduction letter to the potential client; an executive summary; documents suitable to augment or withdraw funds; all suitable for packaging in a plastic wallet-type folder with the logo or label of the fund on its cover; all of which is packaged in a form suitable for immediate distribution to potential clients.
Let TURN KEY CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) make it happen for you.

Start An Registered Investment Advisor
Starting your own Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) allows you to service your securities clients while growing a profitable business. Turn Key Hedge Funds has years of experience in starting and consulting RIAs. The Turn Key Hedge Fund start-up process will include:
- Drafting documents necessary to form and register your entity as an SEC or state registered investment adviser;
- Drafting investment manager compensation agreements for the RIAs;
- Facilitating the creation of the appropriate RIA entity;
- Preparation of RIA Forms ADV parts 1 and 2 for SEC or state for investment adviser registration;
- Preparation of SS-4 documents for acquisition of federal identification numbers, operating agreements, corporate minutes, employee compensation agreements, and other any; and
- Preparation of RIA forms and compliance manual.